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SPOTTED: Taunja Pegues

Taunja Pegues was spotted in DC wearing the Gordon Gartrelle Classic Collection "Gordon Loves You" T-Shirt.

Taunja‌ ‌Peques‌ ‌is‌ ‌a‌ ‌dynamic‌ ‌conduit‌ ‌for‌ ‌creatives‌ ‌and‌ ‌respected‌ ‌influencer,‌ ‌with‌ ‌over‌ ‌25‌ ‌years‌ ‌of‌ ‌experience‌ ‌in‌ ‌the‌ ‌arts,‌ ‌entertainment,‌ ‌luxury‌ ‌fashion‌ ‌and‌ ‌sales‌ ‌industries.‌ ‌Her‌

passion‌‌ for‌‌ art‌‌ was‌‌ cultivated‌‌ during‌‌ childhood‌‌ the Washington,‌‌ DC‌‌ native‌‌ grew‌‌ up‌‌ in‌‌ the‌‌ Smithsonian‌‌ Museums‌‌ where‌‌ her‌‌ mother‌‌ was‌‌ employed.‌‌ Later‌‌ relocating‌‌ to‌‌ Atlanta,‌‌ Georgia,‌‌ Taunja‌‌ was‌‌ a‌‌ central‌‌ figure‌‌ in‌‌ establishing‌‌ the‌‌ city‌‌ as‌‌ an‌‌ urban‌‌ music‌‌ and‌‌ arts‌‌ mecca‌‌ during‌‌ the‌‌ 1990s‌‌ and‌‌ early‌‌ 2000s.‌‌ She‌‌ built‌‌ a‌‌ solid‌‌ reputation‌‌ and‌‌ expansive‌‌ client‌‌ base‌‌ working‌‌ in‌‌ marketing,‌‌ management‌‌ and‌‌ promotions‌‌ for‌‌ music‌‌ labels,‌‌ nightlife‌‌ venues,‌‌ and‌‌ artists.‌‌ From‌‌ music‌‌ and‌‌ entertainment,‌‌ she‌‌ pivoted‌‌ to‌‌ the‌‌ luxury‌‌ fashion‌‌industry,‌‌ where‌‌ she‌‌ was‌‌ a‌‌ top‌‌ sales‌‌ associate‌‌ and‌‌ personal‌‌ stylist.‌‌ Taunja‌‌ is‌‌ currently‌‌ a‌‌ creative‌‌ consultant‌‌ and‌‌ representative‌‌ for‌‌ emerging‌‌ visual‌‌ artists,‌‌ and‌‌ the‌‌ marketing‌‌ director‌‌ for‌‌ an‌‌ independent‌‌ film‌‌ festival.‌‌

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Atlanta, GA 

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The Gordon Gartrelle Collection.

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